Veste d'aviation femme

 In 2010 we have expanded our catalogue with a collection of high quality sheepskin jackets for women. These jackets should be of the same high quality as our men's collection, but made of softer materials to ensure comfort, freedom of movement and of course style!

Since only the highest quality lambskins with a minimum wool thickness of 5mm are used, these garments are not only practical for winter weather, but also a unique fashion statement with a touch of history.

The new Noble House winter fashion range includes the luxurious Raiders jacket made from natural lambskin, with a cosy inside and sophisticated fur collar. It keeps you warm and looks elegant at the same time. Details: Black, side buckles...
499,00 €
The BoB-Women aviator jacket is a stylish sheepskin design for women. Worn by Amelia Earhart, a pioneer of the aviation industry and women's rights, who crossed the Atlantic alone before going missing on a Pacific voyage.
499,00 €
The brown women's sheepskin jacket with hood is an elegant and warm garment for style-conscious women. Inspired by the courageous pioneers of history who made a name for themselves through their commitment to equality and their impressive achievements.
499,00 €
Kurze Nylon Bomber Jacke für Damen.
279,00 € 149,00 €
The "SARA" lambskin coat from Noble House Germany is timeless, stylish and made from 100% grown lambskin. With a mid-length fit and two side pockets, it is cosy, warm and breathable.
499,00 € 299,00 € *
The DUNKIRCHEN lambskin coat is approx. 97 cm long and has a nappa finish. The inner fur with high hair density provides natural warmth. With a simple cut and attached hood, it has two slit pockets and turn-up sleeves.
499,00 €